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WebDev Mastery

Unleash your creativity and transform ideas into digital realities. Explore the art of coding with HTML and CSS. Join us on a journey where innovation meets hands-on learning. Ready to shape the future of the web?

What is HTML?

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Why Use CSS?

CSS is used to define styles for your web pages, including the design, layout and variations in display for different devices and screen sizes.

  1. Styling Web Content:
    • CSS is used to style and format the visual presentation of HTML documents, enhancing the overall look and feel of a website.
  2. Selectors and Declarations:
    • Selectors target HTML elements, and declarations define how those elements should be styled.
    • Declarations consist of property-value pairs, determining aspects like color, size, and layout.
  3. Responsive Design:
    • Selectors target HTML elements, and declarations define how those elements should be styled.
    • CSS enables the creation of responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes, ensuring a consistent user experience across devices.
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